Sustainability at greenValue: Promote renewable energies and conserve resources

Every company has characteristics that characterize its own corporate identity particularly well. At greenValue, sustainable corporate orientation is one of the most important pillars. The topic has been on my mind for a long time, more precisely, since I founded my company in 2002.

On the one hand, our day-to-day business revolves around renewable energies. This topic has been the “constant” since the company was founded, even if the types of energy and tasks are constantly changing. Secondly, at the project level, we work to save resources and bring in ideas to increase efficiency. Thirdly, we have digitized the office as much as possible and reduced paper consumption to almost zero.

Now some readers may be asking themselves these questions: What does the customer get out of it if greenValue places so much emphasis on sustainability? And: Do such features even play a decisive role in awarding orders to greenValue?

I am convinced that practicing sustainability first of all creates trust. Conversely, this also means that the facade quickly crumbles if the impression of “greenwashing” arises in discussions and negotiations. Presenting something as sustainable when it is essentially the opposite is anything but trustworthy.

From my twenty years of experience at greenValue, I know that our clients have internal company guidelines for sustainability that are taken into account when deciding on the award. However, I cannot name any measurable criteria or even events in which the sustainability factor was “the” decisive momentum for awarding a contract to greenValue. In my opinion, it is also the supposedly “small measures” that leave a positive impression of sustainability in practice and are an essential benchmark when awarding contracts. This also includes the almost paperless office at greenValue.

When I am asked what would be different without sustainable measures, my answer is clear: We would generate a lot of waste—and it would be completely senseless.

Investors require sustainability aspects in companies:

Digitalization at greenValue also creates flexible work opportunities – completely independent of location. What else would happen if we didn’t act sustainably? Well, I’m sure: We would lose some of our knowledge advantage and would no longer be able to bring practical know-how to customers.

When I look into the future, the question arises about the chances of a sustainable corporate orientation for greenValue: Here I am sure: a sustainable corporate orientation is existential – for almost every company that pursues long-term goals.

The awareness of sustainable products and services among our B2B customers and their customers is increasing significantly. Your own experiences in matters of sustainability can be presented in customer discussions and are incorporated into collaborations. This promotes differentiation from the competition and creates competitive advantages.

How do I want to make greenValue “fit” for the future? Our claim is: We keep our finger on the pulse of the times through research and are open to new business areas. Because what is outside of the viewing radius today can already determine day-to-day business tomorrow. A general openness to new technologies and media is an essential part of greenValue’s corporate philosophy.

Conclusion: Anyone who repeatedly checks their own actions in day-to-day business to see whether they are still up to date usually finds that there are often better, more sustainable ways. Such a review and adjustment of the company’s direction should take place regularly, ideally annually. A separate sustainability report also promotes the analysis and development of new measures. A systematic approach brings undiscovered potential for more sustainability to light – this inspires the team and inspires the company in equal measure.

greenValue GmbH
Wieseneckstrasse 26
90571 Schwaig b. Nuernberg

Phone: +49(0)911-507166-0

Souce: 30. November 2021,

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