An excerpt of our references
Main activities:
Project coordination
Main activities:
Project development, Project management
Bad Lauchstädt Energy Park real laboratory
Germany, generation, storage, green hydrogen transport
Project management commissioned by the Lead Manager until reaching the project milestone FID. At the core of the project lie the construction of an electrocatalyst, the adaptation of the above-ground facility, the reassignment of an existing gas pipeline. The electrocatalyst is supplied by a new nearby wind farm.
Main activities:
Project management
Bio-LNG Project
Germany, bio-LNG plant
Project management on behalf of the project promoter. The project focuses on constructing an LNG (liquefied natural gas) plant. Liquefied methane (CH4) can be used in various ways: as fuel, as process energy, and in the shipping industry. CH4 can be a conventional natural gas and biomethane produced from biogas and injected into the gas grid.
Bad Lauchstädt Energy Park real laboratory
Germany, generation, storage, green hydrogen transport
The lead manager commissioned project management to reach the next project milestones. At the project’s core lie the construction of a wind farm and an electrocatalyst, the adaptation of the above-ground facility and the reassignment of an existing gas pipeline.
Main activities:
Project management
Reallabor Energiepark Bad Lauchstädt
Germany, generation, storage, green hydrogen transport
Project management on behalf of the Lead Manager. The project focuses on the construction of a wind farm and an electrocatalyst, the adaptation of the above-ground facility, and the reassignment of an existing gas pipeline.
Main activities:
Project management
Main activities:
Due Diligence, Transaction consulting
Main activities:
Project management, Asset management
Biomethane plant
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, 700 Nm3/h (biomethane feed-in capacity)
Main achievements were control of the construction and commissioning phase, coordination of all contracting partners, participation in external financing, liquidity management, and subsequent asset management upon commissioning.
Main activities:
Project management, Asset management
Main activities:
Project management, Asset management
Main activities:
Project management, Asset management
Main activities:
Project management, Asset management
Main activities:
Investors acquisition, Project management
Main activities:
Investors acquisition, Marketing consulting
Photovoltaic plant
Saxony-Anhalt, approx. 999 kWp
Main achievements were counseling the project developer on finding new investors, presenting the investment offer through various channels and approaching potential investors.

Main activities:
Marketing consulting, Publication
Consulting offshore wind energy project developer
Main achievements were counseling an offshore wind energy project developer on the design, promotion and commercialization of a capital market product.

Main activities:
Project management, Publication
Main activities:
Investors acquisition, Project management
Main activities:
Project management, Publication
Main activities:
Project aquisition, Project management, Publication
Main activities:
Marketing consulting, Publication
Counseling machine manufacturer on energy efficiency
Main achievements were counseling a medium-sized machine manufacturer, who develops an efficiency technology, on the design, the promotion and the commercialization of a capital market product.

Main activities:
Marketing consulting
Main activities:
Marketing consulting, Publication
Sustainable real estate
Main achievements were counseling the sustainable real estate developer on the design of a financial product to finance a green residential real estate. Further achievements were campaign elaboration and implementation as well as sales coaching.

Main activities: