greenValue GmbH (opm) – Project management brings second biomethane feed-in project online

On February 25, 2016, the first biomethane from the new biomethane feed system was fed into the gas network in Thierbach, Saxony. The greenValue team accompanied the project from construction to the first feed-in. The main service was coordinating the individual trades and the main contractual partners. The biogas plant processes around 60,000 tons of renewable raw materials annually and generates around 60 GWh of energy annually. The raw biogas is processed using pressure washing. 

“With this second biomethane project, greenValue is proving it can successfully implement such large-scale projects for clients. Some synergies need to be exploited in coordinating projects that are being implemented simultaneously,” says Daniel Kellermann, Managing Director of greenValue GmbH. 

The Thierbach project’s investor and client is a Bavarian group of companies that specializes in the construction and operation of renewable energy systems. 

Background to greenValue GmbH: 

greenValue GmbH operates as an information and consulting company in the field of renewable energies. The focus is on project management to realize energy systems and operate one of the largest independent information portals for environmental and renewable energy investments and projects. Since its founding in 2002, visitors have found current overviews of investments, private placements, and individual projects in photovoltaics, wind, bioenergy, geothermal energy, green buildings, recycling, and hydropower on the portal. B2B services for institutional investors and issuers complete the range of services. 

Publication is free of charge, and a copy of the specimen should be sent to greenValue GmbH. 

Source: March 22, 2016, 

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