greenValue – Significant Growth Potential for Biomethane on the Green Island

Biomethane plant Ireland

Ireland is credited with the largest potential to produce biomethane among European Union member states. The government of Ireland is aware of those potentials. It adjusted the emission limits of the various energy sectors. Ireland’s National Biomethane Strategy (Ireland’s National Biomethane Strategy) states an increase in local biomethane production up to 5.7 TWh per year by 2030. The new objective elucidates Ireland’s ambitions. Those plans significantly extend the former objectives of 1.6 TWh, stated in the Climate Action Plan 2019. Currently, 75 GWh of biomethane per year is produced (0,001 % of the national natural gas demand), predominantly used in the traffic sector.

State of Development of Renewable Energies in Ireland

Comprehensive growth potentials for biomethane are faced by Ireland’s still high dependency on fossil fuels. According to information from the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, 82.6 % of the national energy demand in 2023 was generated by fossil fuels. In direct comparison, the overall renewable energy share of the same year is only 14.6 %, despite records at generated amounts of renewable energies of 23.38 TWh. For compliance with the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive (RED), a yearly minimum share of 16 % must be retained by 2030 (in total, 43 % by 2030). The political objective of developing those potentials, not least in the biogas sector, shall contribute to this.

Market Development for Biomethane in Ireland

target market analysis of the German-Irish Chamber of Industry and Commerce shows the potential. In conclusion, it determined the potential for the annual construction of 15 to 20 fermentation plants. This underlines the growth potential of this sector. The Irish natural gas grid operator Gas Networks Ireland implements additional measures to support the expansion of biogas usage. For example, Gas Networks Ireland provides and distributes natural gas grid-related information. Consequently, this information creates a foundation for German companies to implement and establish their technologies in Ireland. In these terms, Ireland offers up to 4 million hectares of grassland. Moreover, about 135,000 farms on the island have almost 31 million livestock, with significant potential for grass silage and manure.

Current Challenges

The most significant challenge lies in effectively developing available potential for Irish biogas and the consequent required regulations, especially investments in new and transformed natural gas infrastructure. Conditioned by the young sector, constant regulation development and establishment of reliable supply chains for organic substrates will be necessary.

Cooperation with greenValue

With long-term experience in the renewable energies sector, greenValue has successfully participated in the realization of several biogas projects. For instance, the offered services include coordinating plant constructions, securing resources (substrates), and delivering fermentation products.

As an independent service provider, greenValue plans to expand its expertise internationally. An extract of our references shows the integration in several projects. The references indicate the flexibility and adjustment of services for customer project-related requirements.

The authors are employed at greenValue GmbH. greenValue is a successful service provider in the renewable energies sector with long-term experience and comprehensive references, including in project management.

Source: December 30, 2024,

Biomethane plant Ireland

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