greenValue (opm) – Increasing interest in renewable energy investments at the end of 2004

[Nuremberg, December 3, 2004] Renewable energy investments again recorded increasing demand at the end of 2004. The internet portal greenValue and its cooperation partners enable those interested to get a complete overview of almost all investments currently on offer briefly.

Private investors, financial service providers, and journalists can learn about wind power, bioenergy, and solar investments at The funds are presented neutrally and independently of initiators. Participation documents can be ordered, and direct contact with the initiator is possible with a mouse click.

According to a current evaluation, at the end of 2004, there were 24 wind power investments and ten solar energy funds in supra-regional placement. The number of solar investments is increasing compared to the previous year. The number of bioenergy and project development funds is small, with fewer than five offers.

“The wide range of offerings enables investors to make an intensive comparison and select a suitable fund based on risk and opportunity aspects,” says Daniel Kellermann, owner and operator of the website.

The power plants have been online for a long time in many of the closed green funds on offer. “The weak wind has often been the subject of press coverage in recent years. Investors should inquire about the energy yields for projects whose systems are already connected to the grid,” advises Kellermann.

Background to greenValue

GreenValue is one of the largest independent information portals for renewable energy funds. With a mouse click, visitors can order fund documents, go to the provider’s website, and receive information directly from the initiator. greenValue is neither a financial advisor nor an agent; the sale of fund shares or the valuation of funds is excluded.

GreenValue Verlag recently published Guide to Renewable Energy Investments. The 182-page book describes the nature and effects of investments in wind power, solar power, and bioenergy.

Publication is free of charge, and a specimen copy to greenValue is kindly requested.

Source: December 3, 2004,

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