Photovoltaic funds dominate the diversity of offerings. The issuers currently offer nine solar funds (16% share of the total volume) with system locations in Germany, Italy, and Spain. In addition, eight individual photovoltaic projects are listed on
The number of blind pool concepts and bioenergy funds is comparatively small, but the proportion of the total volume is high. Two funds designed as blind pools represent 25% of the total issued fund volume, and the three listed bioenergy projects at least 13%.
“Projects not explicitly aimed at environmentally friendly electricity generation have been offered more and more frequently for some time,” says Daniel Kellermann, greenValue Managing Director. “The market is changing and is addressing issues such as water, innovative technologies, real estate, and renewable raw materials in the form of forest projects.”
A significant increase has been noted in forestry investments. Two closed forest funds and six individual projects are currently listed that invest in the renewable raw materials segment.
Background to greenValue:
greenValue operates one of the largest independent information portals for renewable energy investments and projects. On the portal, visitors can find current overviews of investments, profit participation rights, and individual projects in the areas of wind, photovoltaics, bioenergy, biofuels, geothermal energy, and forestry. You can also go to the providers’ websites to find information about the offers. greenValue is neither a financial advisor nor an agent; the sale of fund shares or the valuation of funds is excluded.
Website operators have the opportunity to integrate the neutral information tables through a cooperation program and give their visitors an overview of current offers. Journalists and media representatives can download the information tables in a protected area. Consulting services for marketing and sales or project searches are offered to issuers and institutional investors. More information at
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Source: June 26, 2008,