Press release greenValue GmbH – Total volume of renewable energy and environmental investments exceeds 4 billion euros

[Schwaig b. Nuremberg, November 18, 2011] greenValue GmbH, the independent information portal operator, announces that the investment volume of green investments has exceeded the 4 billion Euro limit. Last year, on the same date, investments with a total investment volume of almost 3.5 billion euros were offered. Around 64% (2.6 billion euros) of the current investments are designed as closed funds, the remaining 36% (1.45 billion euros) are set up as entrepreneurial investments with a fixed interest rate, for example as profit participation rights.

“At 36%, photovoltaic investments take priority among closed-end funds,” explains Daniel Kellermann, managing director of greenValue. According to Kellermann, what is striking is “the increase in sustainable real estate funds. Green buildings currently take up 22% of the closed fund volume. Investments in water projects are comparatively new in the fund sector. Several providers use their funds to finance water treatment or electricity generation systems.”

The recently completed online visitor survey by the portal shows an interest in sustainable investments. Among the participants, mainly private investors, the favorites are investments in photovoltaic and wind power projects, with 75 and 65% respectively. At least one in five, and in some cases one in three, is also interested in other renewable energy and environmental areas. “What is particularly pleasing and, at the same time, an incentive to continue to maintain the portal meticulously is the satisfaction of visitors. Regarding topicality and information content, 95% of participants stated that they were satisfied or very satisfied,” summarizes Daniel Kellermann.

Background to greenValue GmbH:

greenValue GmbH operates one of the largest independent information portals for renewable energy investments and projects and is the publisher of the guide to environmental and renewable energy investments. In addition to information about the guide, visitors can find current overviews of investments and individual projects in water, wind, photovoltaics, bioenergy, biofuels, geothermal energy, and forestry on the portal. You can visit the providers’ websites to find information about the offers. greenValue GmbH is neither a financial advisor nor an agent; the sale of fund shares or the valuation of funds is excluded. B2B services for institutional investors and issuers complete the range of services.

Website operators have the opportunity to integrate the neutral information tables through a cooperation program and give their visitors an overview of current offers. Journalists and media representatives can download the information tables in a protected area. More information and all services are available at

Publication is free of charge, and a copy of the specimen should be sent to greenValue GmbH.

Source: November 18, 2011,

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