greenValue quality management system successfully recertified

greenValue quality management system successfully recertified

No certificate without monitoring. This applies to the greenValue quality management system. The time had come in September of this year. The first surveillance audit by DEKRA was imminent. The aim of the monitoring is to check compliance with the internationally recognized standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. The recertification was successful and the auditor made the recommendation to maintain the certificate.

Two aspects that reflect how we are dealing with the corona pandemic are particularly pleasing. The auditor confirms, among other things, that: “1. The organization has handled the pandemic well so far.” and “2. The high level of digitalization was a good prerequisite for being able to implement suitable remote collaboration measures.”

It is well known that Covid19 poses major challenges for small and large companies. At greenValue, however, the challenge was less about fundamentally converting the IT system – this step had already been completed. The focus was on equipping home office workstations and transferring the well-established communication culture in the office to remote work. Together with our committed employees, this implementation has so far been very successful.

Another conclusion of the auditor is that “the management of greenValue works in a very structured and systematic manner, so that the high importance of the quality management system is recognized” is both praise and an incentive to continually develop our QM system.

Because even if we have already further optimized the processes as part of the introduction of the quality management system, the dynamics of the business environment alone require continuous development and improvement. Our customers, business partners and employees benefit equally from structured, professional and successful order implementation.

Source: October 9, 2020,

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