In the last few months, agreements have been made with 23 providers for detailed project presentations. Based on uniform and extensive questionnaires, the offers for investors are presented comparably. Those interested can order brochures or go to the provider’s website to learn more about the funds and references. The greenValue homepage is uniquely positioned among other “independent” Internet platforms, as greenValue only offers information and generally does not provide fund advice or fund sales.
The publication of the two guides, available in bookstores, considers the great need for basic knowledge among interested investors. The guide and homepage aim to motivate investors to look closer at the funds on offer. You can also gain certainty when deciding on funds by making your comparisons. More information about the guides is also available below at
The third business area is also considering the further expansion of renewable energies. As a consultant, greenValue owner Kellermann, himself a direct marketing specialist, develops direct marketing strategies and measures for providers of renewable energy funds. The focus is on attracting and supporting investors in the pre-and after-sales phase.
Publication is free of charge, and a specimen copy to greenValue is kindly requested.
Source: June 5, 2003,