According to an evaluation by the independent and neutral information portal, the investment volume of closed-end funds and fixed-interest securities currently on offer is almost 3.5 billion euros. 79 investments are being placed. They primarily finance projects for electricity and heat generation from renewable energies, sustainable real estate, or water supply and treatment.
79% of closed-end funds’ capital flows into solar parks at home and abroad. 27 of the 36 solar funds have terms of between 19 or 20 and 25 years. These terms are based on the country-specific remuneration periods for solar power. Nine solar funds are designed with terms of between 4 and 10 years, including a sales scenario at the end of the term.
Over 80% of the funds from fixed-interest securities finance the expansion of wind energy. The funds invest in wind farms that generate ongoing income through electricity generation. Or they finance the respective issuer’s business purpose, for example, the development of new onshore or offshore wind energy projects.
“It is striking that fixed-interest securities are being issued more and more frequently. In November 2008, their share accounted for around 20% of all green investments. Today, their share is a third of the closed-end funds and fixed-interest securities being placed,” says Daniel Kellermann, Managing Director of greenValue GmbH.
Background to greenValue GmbH:
greenValue GmbH operates one of the largest, independent information portals for renewable energy investments and projects and is the publisher of the guide to environmental and renewable energy investments. In addition to information about the guide, visitors can find current overviews of investments, profit participation rights, and individual projects in wind, photovoltaics, bioenergy, biofuels, geothermal energy, and forestry on the portal. You can visit the providers’ websites to find information about the offers. greenValue GmbH is neither a financial advisor nor an agent; the sale of fund shares or the valuation of funds is excluded. B2B services for institutional services and issuers complete the range of services.
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Source: November 16, 2010,